英语故事小短文:您的大衣着火了Your Coat Is on Fire

The master, to impress on his pupils the need of thinking before speaking, told them to count fifty before saying anything important, and one hundred if it was very important.
老师为了培养学生先思考后发言的习惯, 便告诉他们在说出重要事情之前先数到50,假如是特别重要的事情,就要先数到100。
The next day he was speaking, standing with his back to the fire, when duanwenw.com he noticed several lips moving rapidly. Suddenly the whole class shouted:“Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, a hundred. Your coat is on fire, sir!”
第二天,老师在讲课时背靠着火炉。这时,他发现好几个学生的嘴唇在很快地动。 忽然,全班学生一起喊道:“98,99,100。老师,您的大衣着火了!”

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