幽默英语故事:让我自救吧Let Me Swim to Shore by Mys

A young officer on a small vessel was being tested on his knowledge of what to do if someone fell overboard while he was in charge of the ship.

 A big can was thrown into the sea, and the officer had to pretend it was a man who had fallen in and try to save it.

The officer was inexperienced, and the first thing that happened was that the can was pulled under by the ship’s propeller. duanwenw.com The officer quickly stopped the ship and went backwards. There was a loud crash as he struck the can again. Then he went forwards, went around in a circle, and struck the can once more straight in front of the ship.

A sailor who was observing all this now said,” Excuse me, sir, duanwenw.com but if I’m ever unfortunate enough to fall into the sea while you’re steering the ship, please let me swim to shore by myself!“               
一位正在观察当时这一切的海员说道:“ 对不起,先生,但如果你在驾驶这艘船时,英语短文我相当不幸地落入水中的话,就请让我自己游到岸边吧!”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)