两美元五十美分Two Dollars & Fifty Cents

Fred had a very rusty old car, but his father said that he had to sell it before he would buy him a new one.
“ You have to learn the value of money, Fred,” his father said,” It doesn’t grow on trees, you know. You should learn to be a good businessman.”
“弗雷德,你必须了解金钱的价值,” 他父亲说,“ 你要知道,钱不是生长在树上的。你必须学会做一个优秀的生意人。”
But nobody seemed to want to buy the car from Fred. He put a “For Sale” sign in the back window of the car, and he put another sign on the bulletin board in his college dormitory, but nothing happened. Then one day he was driving to another town, and stopped at the entrance to a toll booth where he had to pay before being allowed to use the road.
但似乎没有人想从弗雷德那儿买这辆车。他在车子的后窗上放了一个“ 出售”的牌子,又在学院学生宿舍的告示牌上放了一个“ 出售” 的牌子,但都无人问津。后来,有一天他开车到另一个城镇,把车停在收费站的入口处,在那儿他必须付钱之后才允许使用那条道路。
The attendant said,” Two dollars and fifty cents.” “ I accept,” said Fred,” It’s yours.” Then he put the car keys into the surprised attendant’s hand, and held out his other hand for the two dollars and  fifty cents.
服务员说。“ 两美元五十美分。”“ 我给,”弗雷德说,“ 给你。” 然后他把车钥匙放进那位感到惊讶的服务员手里,同时伸出他的另一支手去拿那两美元五十美分。

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)