励志短文:你最好的机遇Your Best Possibilities

Stop trying to prove how bad things are to the world. Start showing the world how great things can be.

From the same place where you slid backwards, duanwenw.com you can begin to move ahead. Whether you are in a good place or a bad place depends entirely on where you choose to go next. Where your passion and attention are consistently focused is where your life will go. Focus on the positive possibilities that excite you the most.

Don’t let your excuses continue to hold you back. Allow your effective and purposeful actions to move you forward. duanwenw.com You don’t have to save the whole world in a single bound. Small steps, taken again and again, will accomplish far more than any grandiose* scheme.

Now is the moment in which you are living, and now is the moment to give your very best to life. Yes, you can do it, so choose right now to find real joy in exploring your opportunities.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)