麻烦的孩子A Troublesome Child

“Daddy, may I go out?” Asked Basil.
“No, it’s raining,” answered daddy. “You would catch cold.”
“But daddy, I want to go out in the rain.”
“Here is a book I’ve bought you,” replied the worried father hastily. “Now sit still and read it.”
Basil took the book obediently. But after the first sentence he asked  duanwenw.com again: “Daddy, it says here: a man is known by the company he keeps. Is that true? Because if a good man keeps company with a bad man, is the good man bad because he keeps company with the bad man, or is the bad man good because he keeps company with the good man, or do they each change, and if the...”
巴兹尔十分听话地拿着书,然而刚刚看完一句话,他就又开口问了起来:“爸爸,书里面说:从一个人结交的朋友就可以看出这个人的为人,真是这样的吗? 那么,假如一个好人和一个坏人接触,这个好人是否因为坏人也变成了坏人呢?或者因为坏人结交了好人,从而就变成好人了呢?或者他们两个人都变了,好人变成了坏人,坏人反而变成了好人?另外,假如……”
“Basil,” said his father, “you may go out in the rain.”

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)