
A: “ There is a man who holds a rose in his hand going on the street, it is certain that he is going to meet his girl-friend!”
甲:“ 有人拿一朵玫瑰花在街上走,那肯定是去见他的女朋友!”

B: ” If he holds several roses in his hand, does it mean he has several girl-friends?”
乙:“ 如果拿了好几朵玫瑰呢!说明他有好几个女朋友吗?”

A: “ No, it only shows he has a strong feeling of affection to his girl-friend.”
甲:“ 不,这只能说明他对女朋友感情很深。”

B: “ Then, if one man holds a bunch of roses in his hand, duanwenw.com does it surely means he has already been a man who falls into love? ”
乙: “那么,如果一个人拿了一大把玫瑰花,他一定是个堕入情网的人了?”

A: “ No, he is certainly a man who sells flowers.”
甲:“ 不,他肯定是工人卖花的。“  

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)