世界杯之我见 My View on World Cup

Recently, I believe there is nothing can as popular as the World Cup. The people around you talk about the football match, the computer you open is full of message about the match or the football player, and even you open your TV set or read newspaper, there is not chance to avoid seeing the information. Why the World Cup is so popular? Why there are so many people keeping a watchful eye on it? What do you think of World Cup? Does everyone really like it? In my opinion, there are three kinds of people making the World Cup so hot. 

近段时间,我相信没有什么事情能比世界杯更受欢迎。周围的人都在谈论足球赛,打开电脑也全是关于足球比赛的信息,甚至打开电视机或者看下报纸,都无法避免不看关于世界杯的信息。为什么世界杯这么受欢迎呢?为什么有那么多人关注呢?你是如何看待世界杯的?大家是真的喜欢吗?在我看来,主要是有三类人使得世界杯如此的受欢迎。 First of all, the people are really interested in football will pay special attention on the World Cup. World Cup is the football match between countries held every four years. You can imagine how excellent the performance would be. How can the football lovers not pay attention on it? With the popularization of football, the amount of this kind of people should not be underestimated. Secondly, the people who swims with the tide also make contribution to spread the World Cup. There is a number of people focus on the World Cup just want to chase the trend. Last but not least, the gambler is another reason that should not be ignored. Besides watching the excellent performance of football players, to forecast the result before the match is certainly. World Cup provides a chance for the gambler to bet with a great excuse. How can they miss it?  首先,那些真的喜欢足球的人会特别关注世界杯。世界杯是国与国之间的足球比赛,而且是每四年举行一次。可以想象得到这比赛是有多么的精彩。足球爱好者怎么可能不关注它。随着足球的普及,足球爱好者的数量是不可低估的。其次,那些随波逐流的人也为推广世界杯做出了一定的贡献。有部分人关注世界杯仅仅只是为了跟上潮流。最后但并非最不重要的,赌徒也是另一个不可忽视的因素。除了观看精彩的比赛,在比赛前预测比赛结果也是必然的。世界杯为那些赌徒提供了一个冠冕堂皇的理由。他们怎么可能错过呢? To sum up, as far as I am concerned the three kind of people mentioned above is the main reason to make the Word Cup so popular.  总之,我觉得上述的那三类人是使得世界杯如此受欢迎的主要原因。

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