询问信 Inquiry Letter

Dear Jess,

How are you? I have not seen you for a long time. I hope you everything is ok. I am writing to you because I am going to theNew Yorkon business and intend to travel theNew Yorkwhere I have been looking forward to going for many years. I wonder if you would like to accompany with me.



According to my plan, I will stay there for a whole week, one day for visiting customer, another day for enjoying delicious food, four days for sightseeing, the last day for shopping.


I invite you to travel with me because I know you want to travel there for a long time. In addition, we can help and take care of each other, share the experiences of traveling; the most important is your English is better than me. I need your help. I will cover all your expenses. Please think about my suggestion and whatever your decision is, please let me know.


Best wishes to you!


Sincerely yours,





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