

How to be a leader


[4] Always give credit. Many leaders note that the most efficient way to get a good performance from others is to treat them like heroes. Giving public credit to someone who has earned it is the best leadership technique in the world. It is also an act of generosity that's never forgotten.

[7] Because the idea of risk also carries with it the possibility of failure, many of us tend to wait for others to take charge. But if you want to be a leader, you must learn to fail-and not die a thousand deaths. Pick yourself up and start all over again.

[9] Finally Ducat managed to find three other mothers willing to share their experience, and from that beginning she went on to found and lead the Juvenile Diabetes foundation, which currently has 150 chapters worldwide. Ducat also formed and now heads the National disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research. Lee Ducat's secret? Being a role model.

[10] "Have you ever noticed that if you smile at people, they smile back?" she asks. "Well, if you're giving, people want to give right back. If you're sure-footed, they want to follow in your footsteps. If you're confident about reaching a goal, others echo that confidence and try to achieve it for you."

[11] "The best thing you can do is to get followers to mirror your actions by being what you wish them to be."

[13] Get a compass. People don't follow leaders who lack direction. Estee Lauder, founder of the cosmetics company, has led thousands of employees to great success. She claims that every business leader she knows puts a clear picture of what he wants to achieve in his mind and stays focused on the picture. "People want to follow those who promise-and deliver-success," she says.

[14] Act the part. Good leaders have learned to sound and look like winners. They may sometimes doubt themselves, but they don't show it, says management consultant Paula Bern. They act as if they know where they're going.

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