We can't Endure the Light of Life

"We cant1 endure the light of Love" is a novel written by Czechic writer Kundera. People always get confused when whey heard this name. But when they calm down and think about it, they comprehend some profound meaning of life. People may ask what actually is light and what exactly is heavy? It's always thought that only those heavy things make people ha(情侣约会的26个地点)rd to endure. But as a matter of fact, those slight things are most difficult to resist.Just as that some injury is like a huge rock pressing your heart. Although it is extremely grieved and painful, you can avoid it if you are brave enough. But some hurt is like haze2(阴霾) around your heart. It's slight, but it will always be in the bottom of your heart, making it impossible for you to get rid of it all through your life.It's just like John Nash in "A Beautiful Mind", Schizophrenia was not that worse at all than the serious disease. But you can imagine how terrible it is to live in a world full of mental illusion. Nobody will be disdained3(蔑视) to consider if everybody he live an unreal life, his close friend is only an imaginary foam4.When he realize clearly about all of these but can't get rid of the illusions, his mentality5 will be on the edge of collapsing6. Who can endure this slight thing?On the other hand, Nash is happy and lucky because his wife companied with him and bore all of these without saying a word. She used her wifely heart to forgive all. When her husband was weak, she opened the window of his heart with her soft hands. She used her wifely endurance to go forward step by step in the difficult life. She used her wifely persistence7 of love. She spent many years with her husband to go through all the unforeseen(未预见到的) events.I can still remember the scene that when old Nash stood on the stage of Nobel Prizes, he looked at his wife full of love. I think Nash has found the answer of Balance Theory that he has been studying throughout his life. The balance of his life is the love of his wife.Everything changes a lot with time, only love will last forever.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)