
Do'sBe polite and friendly.Initiate1(开始,发起) and engage in conversation.Be involved in all programmes.Make your own bed.Wash your own plates and cups.Maintain cleanliness and personal hygiene2(卫生) Put things back after using them.Help around the house.Put up the toilet seat after using.Save water and electricity.(加一欢)Observe table manners.Be observant of culture and customs.Be punctual at all times.Ask when in doubt.Inform buddy3 of your whereabouts.Be mindful of traffic and personal safety.Don'tsCriticise4 or mock what you observe.Crack racist5 jokes.Spout6 vulgarities(粗俗语) or act obnoxiously7(可憎地).Bring handphones to school.Bring expensive equipment on the trip.Leave your belongings8 unattended.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)