
Laughter is surely one of humanity's greatest gifts, for the ability to laugh--- to appreciate the pleasure or absurdity1(荒谬) in daily activities---- allows people, young and old alike, to keep problems in perspective. Children are natural laughers. In situations, both appropriate and inappropriate, the chuckles2(咯咯地笑), giggles3(傻笑), and outright4 peals5(洪亮的) of laughter of children can emphasize their innocence6, their joyful7 ignorance of the problems of the world. Levity8(轻率) among adults is,unfortunately, far less comm(女性生活夜话)on, but it is equally welcome. How fortunate are the adults who can react to potentiallyfrustrating situations--- a collapsed9 tent, a split seam in a pair of pants, a surprise guest--- and see the sheer(全然的) absurdity of their attempts to maintain absolute control. Laughter expresses pleasure, eases tension, and lifts the spirit,. It is a gift we should all share more often.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)