The suffering of a person you love

I do not know the suffering of a person you love but love a person can love to the original as deaf as dumb. He is one of him, no matter what, you are accepted, do not want to do anything a little bit of modification1. And the extraordinary in his eyes you do not have a glorious, in him a gentle vision of the 1000 century do you hope to live, you confidently raised his head and tell him you are a custom-made for him. can love a person that loves to look at his own time, I hope the mirror beautiful girls, such as in a gently swaying in the evening wind white jasmine(迎春花).

For him to stay a graceful2 shoulder long hair, dressed and to wear long, he can give up to twenty years you have not give up bad habits. can love a person that loves to all, any hair, such as Grass,tired, in front of him, you can not make-up, do not dress up, make any pretense3, not to sell any low-cost smile , naturally, such as initial human Rose. love a person, you can allow themselves to become the country Sophie Yuen Chi, Teresa temperature of Notre Dame4 and let h(村长放过我吧)im rest your weary head on his shoulders, let him live in the hearts of stray your chest, with understanding, tolerance5 and encouragement so he stitched the wound, leave as soon as possible, he urged a person, you can scream about all of a sudden, loose to play him, beat him, pinch him, pinch him, like a goblin(小妖精) arbitrary act. V can be no reason to want to cry in his chest, like his clothes wet, humid lamented6 wings present. love a person, that is, tolerance, he can cry in front of you, showed he was the most gentle and fragile side, so that a further sense of well-being7 also due to lifetime ban you. love a person, that is, full of satisfaction to live together with him, but I just hope to each other's fire ember(灰烬) to people I belong to two hours to fill. love a person, that is, even if false, even if short-term gifts are still unable to control the impulse to reach out and to finally, and handed to your heart, your soul. love a person is extremely disappointed after the long word, a look of concern, you will easily be thrown into a new round of combustion8. love a person, that is, the side of hate him, miss his side, side to belittle9 him, while looking forward to him, has just announced never see you again, but turned over seven of eight top struck the ground looking for his phone.Love a person, that is, even if people all over the world betray him, you have to stand together with him to lend support and encouragement of his hands. love is selfless and fearless people to pay for this all has no regrets so. love a person, that is, with this person I, not accompanied by time. love is everlasting10 and unchanging portrait, rather than just once mind. love a person because he will have a feeling that you have grown up overnight; because he, in tears the moment you become smaller; because he, you are more aware of their girls. all of the material, utilitarian11 demanding conditions are a desecration12(亵渎神圣) of love, love is a person of wealth to enjoy life.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)