The Value of Time

To Realize The Value of One Year, ask A Student Who Has Failed His Final Exam.To Realize The Value o(脱我衣服)f One Month, ask A Mother Who Has Given Birth To A Premature1 Baby.To Realize The Value of One Week, ask An Editor of A Weekly Newspaper.To Realize The Value of One Day, ask A Daily Wage Laborer2 Who Has Ten Kids To Feed.To Realize The Value of One Hour, ask The Lovers3 Who Are Waiting To Meet.To Realize The Value of One Minute, ask A Person Who Has Missed The Train.To Realize The Value of One Second, ask A Person Who Has Survived An Accident.To Realize The Value of One Millisecond, ask The Person Who Has Won A Silver Medal In Olympics.Treasure Every Moment That You Have! Yesterday Is History. Tomorrow Is Mystery.Today is a gift. That's why it's called "the present".

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