
You follow your heartYou don't care about what people say. You love the adventure, the risk, and the fire of life. You want to have a taste of new things and nobody can stop you.You live in the momentIt is not about making plans for retirement1 or seeking to get stuck in a particular place. You live in the moment. You are in the present and not in the future.You have companions who have the same opinionMarried people have married people as friends and rich people have rich people as friends. People who are enjoying their youth have the same type of people as friends.You keep to fewer rulesThe older you are, the more rules or boundaries you have to limit yourself to. But this is not so for the youth - they live life with fewer rules.You enjoy alcohol2 and being with womenBeing a youth comes with so much energy and excitement. Alcohol and women sort of adds to the excitement.You are focused on the memoriesIt is not about the mistakes or the regrets; you are focused on having new experience and establishing memories.You have so many dreamsYou do not know what you really want, you are not specific. You want to be a chef, a dancer, a basketball player at once.You do not even know the timeYou rarely check the time, because it doesn't serve you much purpose. It is like every day is endless and is simply a continuat(文章的老婆)ion from the previous day.You are innocent3With enjoying your youth comes innocence4. You are really not an expert on a lot of things. In fact you are only an expert on few things, such as the kind of alcohol that will trigger5 more excitement. You really don't have a concrete answer to many things; you just live with what others offer.

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)