
Jehdi and Hassan were two merchants who were very close friends. Jehdi was a cheerful person, whereas Hassan was very serious, perhaps too cautious and careful. But an unbreakable bond of friendship tied them together and this made their journey in business a happy one, for they never had any disputes.杰迪和哈桑都是生意人,同时也是非常亲密的朋友。杰迪性情豪爽,而哈桑严肃认真,甚至有些过于谨小慎微。但坚不可摧的友谊将他们紧紧联系在一起,两人从来没有发生过争执,这让他们在生意场上一帆风顺。One time they started together toward the city of Touria.一次,两人结伴前去陶里亚城。They arrived at the outskirts1 of a forest where the big trees, moist rocks and cool shade invited them to take a well-deserved rest. Within a minute Jehdi fell asleep.他们到达一片森林的边缘,这里巨木参天,山石湿润,树荫清凉,让他们不禁想好好地歇息一阵。不到一分钟,杰迪便酣然入睡了。Hassan looked at his friend with a sigh and told himself, "He sleeps peacefully in nature, as if he were in his own house. I am afraid of someone robbing me. Even though the thief might get very little, I am too apprehensive2 and I prefer to be cautious. After all, one never knows what might happen."哈桑望着他的朋友,叹了口气,自语道:“在荒郊野外他竟然能睡得这样安稳,就像在自己家一样。我就会担心有人抢劫。虽然强盗抢不走什么值钱的东西,可我心里却惴惴不安,还是小心为妙。毕 竟,谁知道会有什么事情发生呢?”Hassan was ruminating3 over his anxiety when suddenly he saw a wasp4 coming out of Jehdi's left nostril5 . Its enigmatic dance surprised him. It flew toward a single pine tree standing6 on a rock, circled the tree three times, and then returned to the sleeping Jehdi and disappeared into his right nostril.哈桑正忧心忡忡地胡思乱想,突然看到一只黄蜂从杰迪的左鼻孔里爬了出来。黄蜂跳起神秘的舞蹈,让哈桑惊讶不已。接着,黄蜂朝生长在岩石上的一棵松树飞去,绕树三圈,又飞回酣睡中的杰迪身 边,消失在他的右鼻孔里。Just at that moment Jehdi woke up, sat up laughing and said, "Hassan, you will never believe me. I just had a marvelous dream. Just imagine that there is big pine tree standing on a high rock, exactly like the one you see there. A wasp droned around the trunk and it swings buzzed as if to say, 'You must dig in this place! You must dig in this place!' I started digging and found a big pot full of gold coins. I have never in my life seen so much money!"就在那时,杰迪醒了。他坐起身,笑着说:“哈桑,你肯定不会相信,我刚刚做了一个不可思议的梦。设想一下,在高高的岩石上生长着一棵巨大的松树。你看,就和那边的那棵松树一模一样。一只黄蜂绕着树干飞了几圈,振动着翅膀嗡嗡作响,好像在说:‘你一定要在这里挖一挖!你一定要在这里挖一挖!’于是我开始挖起来,结果挖到了一个装满金币的罐子。我这一生还从来没有见过那么多的钱!”Yes, truly it is a strange dream, replied Hassan. "If I were in your place, I would have dug around the pine tree there."“哦,真是一个奇怪的梦,”哈桑答道,“如果是我做了这样的梦,我就去那松树周围挖一挖。”My poor friend, how naive7 you are. I would never take a dream seriously. It is so hot here. To dig would be torture! Please, let us continue our journey ...“我可怜的朋友,你未免也太天真了吧!我从来都不把梦当回事。这儿这么闷热,要去挖地的话,简直就是自找罪受。拜托,我们还是继续赶路吧……”But Hassan insisted, "Jehdi, a dream like this surely has a meaning. If you do not want to dig, I will try instead. Do you know what I propose to you? Sell your dream to me."但哈桑坚持说:“杰迪,这样的一个梦肯定含有某种暗示。如果你不想挖,我倒想试一试。你明白我(那个叫我弟弟的少妇)的意思吗?把你的梦卖给我 吧。”Jehdi began laughing loudly. "This is a good piece of business for me!How much will you pay?"杰迪哈哈大笑起来:“对我来说,这倒是一桩好买卖!你给我多少钱?”You have said that there is a big pile of gold coins. I am your friend and I do not want to wrong you. You tell me how much you estimate to be the price of your dream.“你刚才说过,这里埋着一大堆金币。我是你的朋友,不想坑骗你。你说说,你估计这个梦值多少钱?”After a brief discussion, they agreed to the sum of 300 coins.经过一番简短的讨论,他们同意这个梦以300枚金币成交。Never have I made such a business deal. So much money for a simple dream of no value. How gullible8 you are, Hassan!“我还从来没有做过一桩这样的买卖。一个简单且毫无价值的梦竟然卖了这么多钱。哈桑,你也太容易上当了吧!”The two friends then went under the pine tree which the wasp had shown in the dream. Jehdi was amused to see Hassan perspiring9 profusely10 and breaking his back with the shovel11. He continued on until the shovel made a dull sound as if it had struck something hard.然后这两个朋友来到梦中黄蜂指示的那棵松树下。看到哈桑汗流浃背地拼命挥锹,杰迪觉得十分可笑。哈桑持续不断地挖,直到铁锹发出一声沉闷的声响,好像碰到了什么坚硬的东西。What a surprise for the two merchants when they uncovered an earthen pot full of gold coins! Before breaking it, Hassan noted12 an inscription13 near the handle: "The first of seven."这两个生意人都惊呆了:他们挖出了一个装满金币的陶罐!在打破罐子之前,哈桑发现靠近陶罐柄的地方写着几个字:“第一个,共七个。”The first of seven. That means there should be six more pots buried,Jehdi understood, starting to regret the deal he had concluded too quickly.“七个中的第一个,也就是说下面还埋着六个呢。”杰迪明白了, 他开始对这桩仓促成交的买卖感到后悔。This time both of them dug with energy and, sure enough, they found the six pots, one after another, each one filled to the brim with gold coins.这一次,两人都奋力挖起来,果然,一个接一个地,他们挖出了另外六个陶罐,每一个都装满了金币。Hassan built a huge inn in the city and named it The Bulgy14 Pot. He lived as a rich and satisfied man until his death.哈桑在城里建了一间大旅店,并把旅店命名为“满罐”。他的生活富足而幸福,直到去世。When Hassan was alive, Jehdi often came to visit him and greeted his friend with the words, "Well, Hassan, how are you? I have come to see what has happened to my dream." And then the two comrades patted each other on the back laughing. But every time Jehdi returned home sadder, for he knew that he could never buy back his dream.哈桑在世的时候,杰迪经常来看望他。一见面,杰迪便说:“嗨,哈桑,你好吗?我已经看到我的梦如何变成了现实。”然后这两位朋友互相拍拍对方的后背,笑一笑。但杰迪每一次回到家后, 便会更加伤心。因为他知道,他永远不可能再把他的梦赎回来。

·The Blanket 一床双人毛毯(11-10)
· 情人节:玫瑰的传说(11-10)